DIY Kit: Italian Fresh Cheese

Product image 1DIY Kit: Italian Fresh Cheese
Product image 2DIY Kit: Italian Fresh Cheese
Product image 3DIY Kit: Italian Fresh Cheese

DIY Kit: Italian Fresh Cheese

Regular price $29.95

Make some of the richest and creamiest cheeses you’ll ever taste. Capture the simplicity and delicacy of fresh Italian-style cheese by making it the way it’s supposed to be done. At home in a kitchen no bigger than your own.

Includes equipment and ingredients to make mozzarella, burrata, ricotta and mascarpone. All you need is milk.

All the ingredients in the kit are good for at least 18 months.  Makes 8 batches of cheese.

DIY Kit by Farm Steady.

Included in the Italian Fresh Cheese Making Kit:

  • Cheese Basket

  • Cheese Thermometer

  • Cheese Cloth

  • Vegetable Rennet

  • Citric Acid

  • Cheese Salt

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